Gray Days to Glimmering Blog Party
Most of you who are going to see this blog probably also know Kellie from KellieFalconer.Blogspot.com. But if you don't you might want to know that she invited whoever wanted to beat the January blahs to join her blog party. Even though it's not exactly cold and dreary around here, I know I for one have been having a jeans-and-t-shirt kind of a week. (My clothes are a pretty accurate description of how I feel). So Kellie asked everyone:
1) What's your favorite thing to do when you've been feeling uninspired? Leave it and do something that doesn't require inspiration, like exercise or wash dishes or vacuum my room. And I usually peruse the internet for ideas.
2) Tell us about a really great movie/show that you've just discovered. Well, I don't watch too many movies or shows. During Christmas/New Year's week my family got the BBC version of The Chronicles of Narnia from the library, which, even though it's old, we'd never seen before. The series actually gets better as it goes along; I especially enjoyed The Silver Chair.
3) What do you like to do to change your mood? Sing and sing and sing. Changing my clothes usually works too.
4) Your favorite drink is currently... Two-thirds chai tea, one-third milk, with a little honey stirred in.
5) When you hear the word exuberant, what's the first word that comes to mind? My sister "H" when she's talking about her plans for the inner-city therapeutic horse ranch she wants to operate one day.
6) What made you smile last? I smile a lot, but I think it was my blog comments when I logged in a few minutes ago.
7) What five songs would make a playlist to describe your week? "This Is the Stuff"- Francesca Battestelli, "Human"- Manafest, "Need You Now"- Plumb, "What Do I Know of Holy?"- Addison Road, "Your Love Is Better Than Life"- Newsboys. Only those of you who listen to CCM are going to know those, but most of the titles are pretty straight-forward.
8) What's at the top of your creative 'To-Do' list? A denim skirt I promised my sister months ago.
9) The last thing you crossed off the above list was... A ring and a pendant I made out of my great-grandmother's old earrings! If you follow my blog, you will see them soon!
10) Quickly - the first movie quote from the top of your head, please! Umm, I don't have movie quotes just floating around in there.
11) The best thing about January is... starting classes again!
12) The worst thing about January is... getting my dates mixed up and missing my first day of class!
13) What's your #1 resolution for 2013? I don't think I've really made it a resolution, but I'm trying to preach the gospel to myself every morning. Of all the things I want to do this year, keeping Christ as front and center is most important.
14) And lastly, share a quote or verse that you've found especially inspiring lately. "(An omer is one-tenth of an ephah.)" Exodus 16:36 If that makes no sense this short devotional can explain what I mean.
Shirt: LOFT Outlet
Vest: Topshop via Plato's Closet
Jeans: DKNY via consignment shop
Shoes: Payless
Necklaces: Gifts
Hahaha...I don't have any movie quotes in my mind either...never been like that. I had to think about one. :D
ReplyDeleteI am posing mine tomorrow! :)
Thanks for joining us, Emily! Loved your post.
ReplyDeleteYour answer to #13 was wonderful - we all must help and encourage each other to do just that every moment of our lives.
Thanks for that last link - that explains a lot. Truly.